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郭行  符文星  付斌  陈康  闫杰 《宇航学报》2019,40(2):182-190
针对复杂动态环境下无人飞行器的动态障碍规避问题,基于合理假设建立了无人飞行器和动态障碍的运动学模型,并综合考虑无人飞行器飞行过程中的终端约束、控制输入约束、安全避障约束等,以能量最少为性能指标构建动态避障问题数学描述。之后,针对终端约束和控制输入约束,依据优化模型预测静态规划算法(OMPSP)生成初始轨迹;针对动态避障问题的不等式约束,引入松弛变量并结合滑模变结构控制方法设计松弛变量动力学,实现对一个、多个或同时多个动态障碍的安全规避;最后,依据有限时间微分动态规划(RHDDP)算法进行轨迹优化,获得满足上述各种约束并能规避动态障碍的近似最优轨迹。  相似文献   
随着软件的应用规模越来越大,软件系统一旦出现故障,很可能会造成人员伤亡或财产等重大损失,因此对软件可信性进行评估尤为重要.在安全攸关如航空航天等领域,作为可信关键属性之一的安全性影响着整个软件系统的可信评估.特别当一个组件受到安全攻击或缺陷出现时,可信性会下降,会影响到与它可信关联的组件可信性,从而影响到整个系统的可信性.遵循这一思路,设计了软件系统组件可信性发生改变后对其它组件可信性影响度量公式,进一步给出当一组件可信性发生变化,整个软件系统各组件可信性度量发生变化的度量模型.本文以某“航天电源管理设备”为例,证明了本文所建立的组件可信依赖关系度量模型的合理性和有效性.  相似文献   
This paper explores methods for approximating and analyzing the dynamics of highly perturbed spacecraft formations with an emphasis on computationally efficient approaches. This facilitates on-board computation or rapid preliminary mission design analysis. Perturbed formation dynamics are often approximated as linear time-varying (LTV) systems, for which Floquet theory can be used to analyze the degree of system instability. Furthermore, the angular momentum of the relative orbital state can be computed with the approximate dynamics to provide additional insight. A general methodology is developed first and then applied to the problem of unstable formation dynamics in asteroid orbits. Here the dominant perturbative effects due to low-order gravitational harmonics and solar radiation pressure are modeled. Numerical simulations validate the approach and illustrate the approximation accuracy achieved.  相似文献   
随着我国航天事业的蓬勃发展,运载火箭发射要求也呈现多样化。北斗卫星导航系统是我国自行研制的全球卫星导航系统,经历三步跨越式发展,目前已经全面建成。CZ-3A系列火箭承担了北斗工程全部发射任务,该工程对火箭倾斜同步转移轨道(IGTO)、中圆转移轨道(MTO)、地球同步转移轨道(GTO)新类型轨道要求。介绍了该类轨道特点,讨论了火箭发射方案、发射轨道设计及高空风双向补偿方法。实际飞行考核充分证明了发射轨道设计的正确性,设计方法确保了北斗工程全部发射任务取得圆满成功,为北斗工程顺利实施奠定了基础。  相似文献   
This paper investigates a time-varying anti-disturbance formation problem for a group of quadrotor aircrafts with time-varying uncertainties and a directed interaction topology. A novel Finite-Time Convergent Extended State Observer (FTCESO) based fully-distributed formation control scheme is proposed to enhance the disturbance rejection and the formation tracking performances for networked quadrotors. By adopting the hierarchical control strategy, the multi-quadrotor system is separated into two subsystems: the outer-loop cooperative subsystem and the inner-loop attitude subsystem. In the outer-loop subsystem, with the estimation of disturbing forces and uncertain dynamics from FTCESOs, an adaptive consensus theory based cooperative controller is exploited to ensure the multiple quadrotors form and maintain a time-varying pattern relying only on the positions of the neighboring aircrafts. In the inner-loop subsystem, the desired attitude generated by the cooperative control law is stably tracked under a FTCESO-based attitude controller in a finite time. Based on a detailed algorithm to specify the cooperative control protocol, the feasibility condition to achieve the time-varying anti-disturbance formation tracking is derived and the rigorous analysis of the whole closed-loop multi-quadrotor system is given. Some numerical examples are conducted to intuitively demonstrate the effectiveness and the improvements of the proposed control framework.  相似文献   
Topology optimization is an effective method to obtain a lightweight structure that meets the requirements of structural strength. Whether the optimization results meet the actual needs mainly depends on the accuracy of the material properties and the boundary conditions, especially for a tiny Flapping-wing Micro Aerial Vehicle (FMAV) transmission system manufactured by 3D printing. In this paper, experimental and numerical computation efforts were undertaken to gain a reliable topology optimization method for the bottom of the transmission system. First, the constitutive behavior of the ultraviolet (UV) curable resin used in fabrication was evaluated. Second, a numerical computation model describing further verified via experiments. Topology optimization modeling considering nonlinear factors, e.g. contact, friction and collision, was presented, and the optimization results were verified by both dynamic simulation and experiments. Finally, detailed discussions on different load cases and constraints were presented to clarify their effect on the optimization. Our methods and results presented in this paper may shed light on the lightweight design of a FMAV.  相似文献   
摘要: 针对利用角动量交换装置系统实现轨控期间姿态维持的情况,研究当轨控推力器存在大力矩扰动时系统角动量管理方法.结合对地运行航天器轨道运动特性,分析轨控干扰力矩的积累角动量变化规律;考虑角动量管理装置系统的角动量存贮容量,基于角动量积累规律提出了一种结合偏置角动量建立与对称分布轨控位置选择的系统角动量管理方法,实现了对称轨控位置积累角动量互相抵消的自平衡效果,极大程度地提高轨控效率且避免系统角动量饱和现象.所提出的方法适用于喷气欠驱动控制系统,方法的有效性通过了数学仿真验证及在轨型号应用.  相似文献   
仲维国  郭有光  张凯 《航空学报》2020,41(3):623429-623429
为满足设定的太阳能飞机多日连续飞行条件,依据飞行过程中当前时刻的飞行高度、光伏输出功率、动力电池组余量等系统状态参数,研究如何分配动力电池组充放电和电推进系统输入等功率。所用策略立足于实时功率平衡,充分利用正午前后的光伏峰值功率用于飞机爬升及充电,在午后下滑过程中利用全部光伏输出,以最大化利用光伏资源;在光伏有效输出不足时则以一定的维持功率下滑,使能量的综合损失最小。方法能够提高以预定夜间飞行高度连续多日续航的成功率,提升飞行高度、纬度、季节范围或搭载能力,或者拓展这几种飞行条件的组合域,优化太阳能飞机的适用性。  相似文献   
本文提出了一种基于虚拟页地址映射的NAND Flash管理算法.该算法通过定义坏块表、对应表等结构,以及设计的坏块替换策略和虚拟页地址到实际物理页地址的转换算法,实现上层软件采用虚拟地址对NAND Flash的无坏块连续页地址访问.该算法是一种高效的地址映射算法,能高效地对数据进行索引,占用SRAM空间较少,使系统达到高性能,并使得闪存使用的更加稳定持久.  相似文献   
摘要: 针对类IXV飞行器无翼式升力体构型及采用RCS/尾襟翼组合控制特点,研究其初期再入段的高精度制导与姿态控制方法.设计带过程约束的数值预测 校正制导律以提高制导系统的鲁棒性及精确性;根据其执行机构配置特点,设计基于RCS的航向控制律及基于RCS/气动舵的纵、横向复合控制律,并采用鲁棒伺服LQR技术进行控制参数快速设计.通过蒙特卡洛打靶仿真来验证算法的精度及鲁棒性.  相似文献   
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